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Let’s Talk About Cervical Health


As women, we tend to think of the female anatomy as a whole; one reproductive system working towards one common goal, to allow for reproduction. Since each part of a woman’s reproduction system serves a specific function and can, unfortunately, develop separate diseases, we are doing ourselves somewhat of a disservice by thinking about our reproductive systems as a whole. This January, let’s take some time to think about the health of our anatomy, starting with our cervix.

What Steps Can You Take to Keep Your Cervix Healthy?

Cervical health is an important part of our overall health, take the proper steps to keep your cervix healthy so that if there is a problem, it can be found early and treated.

  • The first crucial step in cervical health is having your yearly well-woman’s visit with an OB/GYN. During your appointment, the doctor will do a Pap smear to check for any abnormal cells.
  • Your cervix is also at risk for STIs. It’s important to practice safe sex, with condom usage, to help prevent the spread of viruses.
  • If you’re experiencing anything that you don’t think is normal – whether it’s during the time of your menstrual cycle or all month long – report this to your Primary Care Physician and your OB/GYN. Your PCP will recommend a visit to your OB/GYN if they don’t think what you’re experiencing is normal. Your OB/GYN will then make recommendations to help make what you’re experiencing better.

What Are the Symptoms of Cervical Problems?  

Common symptoms that can be signs of cervical problems include but are not limited to, pain during intercourse, bleeding after intercourse, bleeding in between menstrual cycles, and abnormal menstrual cycles including heavy bleeding and cycles occurring more frequently than every 21 days.

Why Should We Be Concerned About Cervical Health?

According to the American Cancer Society, in 2019 an estimated 13,170 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed. Keeping cervical health top of mind will help you and your OB/GYN find and treat a problem faster if one occurs.