Crystal Run Healthcare and New York State Officials Recognize September as Recovery Month
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Crystal Run Healthcare Psychiatrist Discusses Practice’s Education on Substance Treatment
Middletown, N.Y. – September 20th, 2016 – On Monday, September 19th, Crystal Run Healthcare joined NYS Senator John Bonacic, NYS Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange and Sullivan, SUNY Sullivan, and public officials and representatives from social and human services agencies in Sullivan County to recognize September as Recovery Month. Recovery Month, a national observance sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), aims to raise awareness and understanding about the effects of addiction, honors individuals in long-term recovery and acknowledges the work of prevention, treatment, and local programs and services to help both families and individuals battling the disease of addiction.
During the press conference, speakers discussed the mounting issue of mental and/or substance use disorders and the endemic rise of heroin and opioid addiction, about which Crystal Run Healthcare has recently taken crucial steps to educate its providers. Also at yesterday’s event, speakers touched on the significant role that prevention, treatment, and support services play in an individual’s recovery and improved quality of life. Dr. Nicholas Batson, Crystal Run Healthcare Psychiatry Division Co-Leader, spoke specifically regarding Crystal Run’s program – designed to curb drug addiction and help coordinate care and treatment with primary care physicians and other specialty providers for those suffering from addiction. This same topic was discussed at Crystal Run’s Provider meeting in August which was attended by Darcie Miller, LCSW-R, Acting Commissioner Orange County Department of Health. Throughout Sullivan County, government officials have been working closely with treatment providers and service agencies to promote legislation, implement preventive measures, help loved ones identify the signs of a problem, and guide those in need to suitable treatment and recovery support services.
“Evidence based best practice guidelines support the use of Screening, Brief interventions, Referrals and Treatment (SBRIT) for individuals with substance use disorders. At Crystal Run Healthcare we have educated all of our providers on methods for SBRIT, have a medication therapy management program for patients, and partner with Catholic Charities for a Medication Assisted treatment program for individuals with opioid use disorders. As a community we can move the needle towards recovery,” said Nicholas Batson, MD, Crystal Run Healthcare Psychiatry Division Co-Leader.